POP Piano Privacy Policy

Respected user:
An intelligent learning service product provided by Music Dream (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as " Music Dream " ). Music Dream respects your personal information and data very much, and will make every effort to protect the safety and reliability of your personal information and data. This policy applies only to user information and data collected and stored by POP Piano.
Before using POP Piano, be sure to read and understand and agree to the POP Piano Privacy Policy. This policy sets out how we will collect, use, disclose, process and protect the information you provide to us when you use POP Piano.If we require you to provide certain information to verify your identity when using the product and to connect to our third-party service providers, we will use this information strictly in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you have started using POP Piano, you have read, agreed and accepted all terms described in this Privacy Policy, as well as any changes we may make at any time in the future.
In addition, you need to promise that you are an adult when you start to use this product. If you are a minor, your guardian needs to agree to your use of this product and agree to the relevant terms of service and privacy policy.

1. How POP Piano collects and uses your information (including personal information)

When you use POP Piano, you may be required to provide personal information. You are not required to provide personal information to POP Piano, but in some cases, if you choose not to provide it, POP Piano will not be able to provide you with related products or services, nor will it be able to respond or solve your problems.
We will only collect and use your personal information for the purposes described in this statement. The following table details the purpose, manner and scope of the personal information we may collect :

Business scene

Purpose of collection

how to collect

data content

Mobile phone account login POP Piano

The POP Piano server authenticates the user's identity and obtains the permission of the APP to access the server

user input

Mobile number, login password

Log in to POP Piano with social account

The POP Piano server authenticates the user's identity and obtains the permission of the APP to access the server

Third-party SDK sharing

For details, please refer to "Six: Third-party services or SDKs " below

Piano Connection and Piece Playing (Basic Function)

Obtain the user's piano type and device type, so that we can adapt the corresponding protocol to provide data transmission services

APP collection

Piano name, piano number, MIDI data, device information

FAQ and feedback

It is convenient for POP Piano to analyze user questions

APP collection, user input

User enters text, piano name, device information

Personal Information Settings

Set the user profile, which will be displayed when the track list is displayed.

user input

POP piano nickname and avatar

rhythm learning

Identify external sounds and determine if the user is playing drums in rhythm

user input

drumming sound

"Account settings" function, personal avatar setting function

Customize background pictures and avatars to meet user-defined needs

User upload


Browser Tracks and Plays

Identify the network and provide smooth service

APP collection

Internet Information

upload track

Users can upload track files by themselves to meet customized needs

User upload

Track file, track information

Business scene


Scope of authority

refuse to make an impact

"Personal settings" function, personal avatar setting function

Customize background pictures and avatars to meet user-defined needs

Camera permissions, album permissions

This feature cannot be used, but does not affect basic services

Piano Connection (Basic Function)

Connect the smart piano to play, some Android phones require the phone positioning function to be turned on to use the Bluetooth MIDI function

Bluetooth, USB , mobile phone positioning

Unable to use basic services

POP voice assistant

Arouse APP related functions through voice input for quick operation


This feature cannot be used, but does not affect basic services

rhythm learning

Identify external sounds and determine if the user is playing drums in rhythm


This feature cannot be used, but does not affect basic services

POP Piano Instructions, Lessons

Browse video tutorials to learn how to play the piano

Write and read external memory

This feature cannot be used, but does not affect basic services

Change the piano tone

You can change the voice while listening to others

Write and read external memory

This feature cannot be used, but does not affect basic services

upload track

Users can upload track files by themselves to meet customized needs

read external memory

This feature cannot be used, but does not affect basic services

2. Information security

We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to prevent loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure of information. For example, in some services, we will use encryption technology (such as SSL ) to protect the personal information you provide. However, please understand that due to technical limitations and various malicious means that may exist, in the Internet industry, even if we do our best to strengthen security measures, it is impossible to always guarantee 100% information security. You need to understand that the systems and communication networks you use to access our services may have problems due to circumstances beyond our control.

3. Information you share

Many of our services allow you to publicly share information about you not only with your social network, but also with all users who use the service, such as the information you upload or post on our services (including your public personal information, lists you create), your responses to information uploaded or posted by others, and including location data and log information related to such information. Other users of our services may also share information about you (including location data and log information). In particular, our social media services are designed to allow you to share information with users around the world, and you can enable real-time, widespread delivery of shared information. As long as you do not delete the shared information, the relevant information will remain in the public domain; even if you delete the shared information, the relevant information may still be independently cached, copied or stored by other users or unaffiliated third parties not controlled by us, or by other Users or such third parties are kept in the public domain.
Therefore, please consider carefully the content of information uploaded, published and communicated through our services. In some cases, you can control the scope of users who have the right to view your shared information through the privacy settings of some of our services. If you request to delete your relevant information from our services, please do so through the means provided in these special terms of service.

4. Sensitive personal information you share

Certain personal information may be considered sensitive personal information due to its specificity. Sensitive personal information is more strictly protected than other personal information.
Please be aware that the content and information you provide, upload or post on our services (such as photos about your social activities, etc.) may reveal your sensitive personal information. You need to carefully consider whether to disclose relevant sensitive personal information when using our services.

5. Advertising services

We may use your information to serve you advertisements that are more relevant to you.
We may also use your information to send you marketing communications through our Services, email or otherwise to offer or promote our or third party goods and services as follows:
Our goods and services, and those of our affiliates and partners, including instant messaging services, online media services, interactive entertainment services, social networking services, payment services, Internet search services, location and mapping services, application software and services, data management software and services, online advertising services, Internet finance, and other social media, entertainment, e-commerce, information and communication software and services (collectively , " Internet Services " );
Third-party Internet service providers, and third-party goods and services related to: food and dining, sports, music, movies, television, live performances and other arts and entertainment, books, magazines and other publications, apparel and accessories, jewelry , cosmetics, personal health and hygiene, electronics, collectibles, household utensils, appliances, home decor and furnishings, pets, automobiles, hotels, transportation and travel, banking, insurance and other financial services, loyalty points and rewards programs, and in our opinion Other goods and services that may be relevant to you.

6. Third-party services or SDKs

In some specific business scenarios, in order to improve business processing capabilities, improve response speed or other considerations, we may use software service kits ( SDKs) provided by capable third-party service providers to provide you with services. These SDKs may collect and use your personal information, which we will collect and use with your authorization. These SDKs include :

Service Name: WeChat Open Platform SDK
Function type: social class (information sharing), third-party login class
Purpose of use: support WeChat authorized login, WeChat sharing
Collect data: WeChat nickname, WeChat avatar, open_id , union_id , pictures shared by users, whether WeChat is installed on the current device
Access method: integrated client SDK
Official link:https://open.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/frame?t=news/protocol_developer_tmpl

Service name: WeChat payment
Function type: third-party payment
Purpose of use: Use WeChat payment function to purchase POP Piano membership
Collected data: name, payment order information
Access method: use the server API interface
Official link:https://open.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/frame?t=news/protocol_developer_tmpl

Service name:QQ login SDK
Function type: third-party login class
Purpose of use: support QQ authorized login
Collect data: user nickname, avatar, openid
Access method: integrated client SDK
Official link:https://wiki.connect.qq.com/oauth2-0 Introduction

Service name:Weibo SDK
Function type: third-party login class
Purpose of use: support Sina Weibo authorized login
Collected data: user nickname, avatar, encrypted user ID , IMSI , MAC address, hardware device serial number
Access method: integrated client SDK
Official link: https://open.weibo.com/wiki/%E5%BC%80%E5%8F%91%E8%80%85%E5%8D%8F%E8%AE%AE

Service name : Alipay SDK
Function type: third-party payment
Purpose of use: support the use of Alipay payment
Collected data: common device information (such as IMEI/IMSI , SIM card serial number /MAC address, android_id , SSID , BSSID , basic device information [model \ manufacturer, etc.]), network information
Access method: Integrate client SDK and server API interface
Official link: https://docs.open.alipay.com/54

Service Name: Umeng Push
Function type: push class
Purpose of use: push messages
Collected data: device information ( IMEI/MAC/Android ID/IDFA/OpenUDID/GUID/SIM card IMSI/ geolocation)
Access method: integrated client SDK
Official link: https://www.umeng.com/page/policy

Service name: Meizu PUSH
Function type: push class
Purpose of use: push messages
Collected data: encrypted user ID , device identification information
Access method: integrated client SDK
Official link: https://open.flyme.cn/open-web/views/push.html

Service name: Huawei PUSH
Function type: push class
Purpose of use: push messages
Collected data: encrypted user ID , device identification information
Access method: integrated client SDK
Official link: https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/hms/huawei-pushkit

Service name: OPPO PUSH
Function type: push class
Purpose of use: provide System message push service for OPPO Android system
Collected data: encrypted user ID , device identification information
Access method: integrated client SDK
Official link:https://privacy.oppo.com/cn/policy/

Service Name: VIVO PUSH
Function type: push class
Purpose of use: provide System message push service for VIVO Android system
Collected data: encrypted user ID , device identification information
Access method: integrated client SDK
Official website link: http://www.vivo.com.cn/about-vivo/privacy-policy

Service name: Xiaomi PUSH
Function type: push class
Purpose of use: Provide system push message service
Collected data: encrypted user ID , device identification information
Access method: integrated client SDK
Official link: https://dev.mi.com/console/doc/detail?pId=1822

Service name: iFLYTEK
Feature Type: Speech Recognition
Purpose of use: Use the functions of speech synthesis, voice dictation, and voice transcription provided by the iFLYTEK platform to improve product experience
Collected data: voice information, text information, device information, log information
Permission call: Bluetooth permission, microphone permission, read and write permission, network permission, audio playback permission
Access method: integrated client SDK
Official website link: https://www.xfyun.cn/doc/policy/privacy.html# 1. Definition and explanation

Service name: Tencent Bugly
Function type: Crash monitoring class
Purpose of use: Analysis and statistics of system errors
Collected data: mobile phone model, mobile phone brand, Android system version, Android system API level, manufacturer's system version, CPU architecture type, whether the device is ROOT , disk space occupied, sdcard occupied space, memory space occupied, network type
Official link: https://static.bugly.qq.com/bugly-sdk-privacy-statement.pdf
During your use of this client service, we will continue to use the information you authorize to use, and we will stop using it after you stop using the client service. During the operation of this client, we and the third-party SDK may continue to collect your user information with your consent.

7. Cancelling your account

When you confirm that you no longer use our services, meet the cancellation conditions and need to cancel your account, you can cancel your account through the cancellation function set in the APP . The logout entry is APP Homepage- > Personal Avatar- > Account Settings- > Logout Account.
After your account is cancelled, we will stop providing you with products or services, and delete or anonymize your personal information, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations.

8. Contact us

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this Privacy Policy, or any questions about our collection, use or disclosure of your personal information, please call our customer service number 17160038050 to contact us.

9. Update Instructions

Music Dream reserves the right to update this statement at any time. If you continue to use our services, it is deemed that you agree to our changed privacy policy,We will only collect, use and store your personal information in accordance with the updated statement.This statement is effective from the date of updating.
Last updated : April 8 , 2022
Music Dream (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.
Room 012 , 1st Floor , Building 1 , Yard 4 , Beitucheng East Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Contact: Mr. You
Tel: 17160038050